пятница, 29 января 2010 г.


Joe McFadden - www.joemcfaddenart.com

Kafka Kandinsky but Immanuel Kant
60 x 48 oil
Kant is often referred to as the father of existentialism. I like to think of him more as the epistemological uncle we are not supposed to mention.

Kandinsky made an entire career out of painting images of St. George slaying the Dragon, he being the saint and art being the lizard.

Kafka, well,every time I hear his name I sigh. Whenever I get myself into an existentialist pickle, I ask myself, what would Kafka do? Got it! Turn into a cockroach!

Three artistic and intellectual icons to me but I don't think any of them knew a thing, that is because, I am certain, they all sensed that there is really nothing to know..
